Sewer Information

There are two different types of sewers in your area: sanitary and storm. The City of Darien Municipal Services is responsible for the maintenance of your storm sewers, which help to keep your homes from flooding during large storms. If you are having a problem and need help with a storm sewer, please call 630-353-8105 for assistance. If you are having trouble with a sanitary sewer, there are three different districts that serve our community: DuPage County (630-964-7503), Downers Grove Sanitary District (630-969-0664), and Hinsdale (630-323-3299). If you need help identifying the type of sewer or the responsible governmental body, you may call 630-353-8105 for assistance.

FAQs about sewers in Darien:

Which sewers are the responsibility of the homeowner, and which are the responsibility of the City, Township or County?

The sewers from the curb to the home are the responsibility of the homeowner, and the sewers in the street are the responsibility of the City, Township, or County. If you are having trouble with sewer backup, you may call the City to see if the blockage originates in City sewers. If the blockage exists between the curb and the home, the resident is responsible and may need to call a plumber to repair the problem.

What are some common sewer problems?

Sewers can often become damaged in areas with mature trees, as their root systems damage or clog the sewers. This can usually be alleviated by either removing and cutting the roots, but sometimes replacing the sewer is necessary.

What are some ways I can help keep the sewer system working in my neighborhood?

During large storms, it is helpful to look at your sewer to make sure nothing is blocking the drain. This is especially helpful in the fall when large numbers of leaves fall to the ground, sometimes clogging sewers and preventing proper drainage.

What if I have a problem with my sanitary sewer on nights or weekends?

If you encounter a problem off-hours and are served by DuPage County, call 630-964-7503 and you will speak with an answering service. If you live within the Hinsdale/Flat Creek Sanitary District, call 630-268-2056, which is the after hours emergency line. If you reside within the Downers Grove Sanitary District, call 630-969-0664.